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When you are faced with the impossible, remember God

Jenny Peterson Season 4 Episode 154

"It's impossible," I heard myself say. Then the thought came to my mind, "With God, nothing is impossible." I will share a personal story about my journey from fear to faith, panic to prayer,  defeat to determination. This story is about our rollercoaster journey of making a big move to Puerto Rico, filled with stress, missed deadlines, and unexpected hurdles. I will share the highs and lows of navigating this challenging process and highlight the crucial role of faith and prayer. You will hear my testimony of how the Lord reminded me that He hears and answers prayers and that nothing is impossible with God. My hope is to inspire and uplift listeners who are facing their own challenges.

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Hey there, my beautiful friend, welcome back to another episode. I had to stop what I was doing and tell you what happened to me today. So at the time of this recording, it is June 6th and we just moved into our new home in Puerto Rico. June 4th. The day started off great. It was a beautiful day, got up, took my dogs on the most gorgeous walk I'm telling you I live in paradise. Gorgeous walk, I'm telling you I live in paradise. It is beyond beautiful here and it is so healing to my soul and then quickly got ready and jumped on Zoom calls for the next several hours for work.

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One of my dear friends is moving to Puerto Rico and in between calls we ran over to her house they haven't come down yet and brought in their Walmart deliveries from off the corner of the street and carried a mattress up the stairs and then ran home and I jumped on more work calls. Then I sat down and decided to work on something that has been really challenging for me getting my kids into school. Really challenging for me, getting my kids into school. And here in Puerto Rico we're planning on putting my children into private school and the application was due in February. I didn't know we were moving to Puerto Rico in February. I've been working on these applications and chipping away at them. Honestly, I don't remember doing this amount of work to get into college. It's insane and it's times three because I have three children, but it is high priority. It definitely has to be done and, honestly, this has been my biggest worry. My biggest stressor is getting my kids into school, and everybody keeps asking me oh, what are your kids doing for school? And I keep saying we don't know yet. I'm trying to get them into private school. One thing that I love about our church is we have a built-in community anywhere we go in the world, and I've learned from the youth leaders that half of the kids here go to private school and the other half either do online school or homeschool.

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Remember in 2020, you know when the world shut down during the pandemic and we all were forced to do homeschool. That was the moment that I realized I could never homeschool my children. I should not be in charge of their education. Okay, I was a really good student, I was smart, I took AP classes, I graduated high school with college credits already done, but I can't tell you anything from it. My teenagers ask for help for their physics or calculus homework. I look at it I got nothing. I got nothing and it doesn't even matter if I remembered it, because I swear they teach math differently. Now, for me and my kids, homeschool is not an option. I mean, if it is the only option, I will do it. But I really want to get my kids into school. Nothing against homeschool. If you're a homeschool mom, praise you. I admire you. I think what you're doing is amazing. I know, because of 2020, it's not for us.

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I reach out to the director of admissions of this private school and I ask to tour the school because we haven't even seen it yet. And she writes back and she tells me that all of the applications are due tomorrow and anything turned in after tomorrow means that my kids would not be getting into fall 2024. They will be considered for January 2025. As you can imagine, I started to freak out and sat down. I was like I got to get this done today. It's today or never. And I quickly realized it wasn't going to happen. My kids still have to take this test, this online test, and I called the testing center. They're not even doing that test tomorrow. The next available time is on Monday. My kids are also required to get a psychometric evaluation or take a psychometric test from a licensed psychologist.

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I'm not even pretend like I know what that is, because I don't, but I realized this is not happening, I'm not going to be able to get it done, and I broke into tears and I went and I told my husband and he's like oh my gosh, what's wrong? And I'm like I don't, I don't know if our kids are going to get into school. It's impossible, it's impossible. It's due tomorrow and there's no possible way for me to get all of this done. And bless my husband. He said exactly what I needed to hear. He said stop crying, go do something. And as I was hearing myself say the words it's impossible, the thought came to my head With God, nothing is impossible. If God is for me, who can be against me? I also realized sitting here and crying and having a panic attack is not going to solve anything. I need to do something. I need to do something. I need to figure this out. The first thing I did is I went to my Heavenly Father in prayer and I just gave it to God and I said Heavenly Father, I know, with Thee. Nothing is impossible. I don't know how this is going to happen. I don't know how I'm going to get my kids into this school, but if it's the right place for them to be and if it is thy will that they go to this school, I know they're going to be able to get in. Please soften the heart of the director of admissions. Please help me to find a way to get my children into this school. Just so you know, I have my son with me here in Puerto Rico.

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Our teenage daughter stayed behind in Utah because they're currently at camp right now. They're youth camp leaders. They're in the middle of nowhere. I can't even get a hold of them. They don't have cell phone service and everything's due tomorrow. I need them to write essays. I need them to take a questionnaire. I need them to write essays. I need them to take a questionnaire. I need them to take this test. I need them to get this psych evaluation thing done that I don't even know what it is and I can't even get a hold of them, but I know with God, nothing is impossible and I wrote the admissions director. I told her what's going on. Hey, they can't take this test until Monday. That's the soonest that they can take it. And then I started looking can they do an online psych evaluation? And I'm looking places in Utah and places in Puerto Rico. After about an hour of frantically typing away, being a keyboard warrior, I got an email back from the director of admissions and she said she would make an exception and she would give us until the 12th.

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I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. I know that he knows us individually. I know that with God, nothing is impossible. I know that God is a God of miracles and miracles don't cease. Today, miracles are happening every single day in my life. I'm so grateful and I immediately said a thank you prayer and just thanked Him for all the goodness that he has poured out in my life and thanked him for softening this woman's heart and giving us extra time. Then I immediately ran in and told Preston and we said another thank you prayer together and I just had to tell you about it. I just I feel so grateful and so blessed and I see God's hand in my life and I can't even imagine going through life without knowing my Father in heaven and knowing that I am His child.

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And I wanted to share that testimony with you, because the Lord has reminded me once again that he hears and he answers prayers, and maybe there's somebody listening that is in need of something. Go to the Lord. Maybe you're going through something that feels impossible. Go to the Lord. With God, nothing is impossible. That's where we're at, so I am finishing these applications.

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I don't know if my kids are going to get in or not.

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I'm giving it to God, though. If that's where they're supposed to be, he'll make a way, and if not, that's okay too. Maybe that's not where they're supposed to be. Maybe they're supposed to go to the other private school. Maybe they're supposed to do online school. I'm really hoping it's not homeschool.

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I'm like Lord, you know. You know we went through this. We went through this. I'm just putting my trust in God, trusting in his timing, trusting in his plan. It's always better than my own, and I know that nothing is impossible with the Lord, and if my kids are supposed to go to this school, they're going to get into this school. That was my little miracle today, and when the Lord blesses me like this, I feel in my heart a desire to share it with you, because I believe that it can be a blessing to somebody else. I pray that this testimony and this message finds the person that needs to hear it today, and I want to share that with you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. Thank you so much for joining me today. I know this was a little bit different. Sometimes I share my testimony on here. We definitely talk about business on this podcast, but I am also a woman of faith. I love you so much and I will see you inside another episode.