Social Media Influencer

Only use this mantra if you are ready to grow

Jenny Peterson Season 4 Episode 153

Warning...only use this mantra if you are ready to grow! This mantra will stretch you in every way. It will force you outside of your comfort zone. If you are ready to level up, hit play.

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Speaker 1:

Well, hey there, my beautiful friend, welcome back to another episode of the Social Media Influencer Podcast. I'm Jenny Peterson. If you're new here, I'm so glad that our paths have crossed and if you would, please hit the subscribe button so you get notified every time new episodes drop. This is going to be a quick episode, but an important one. I want to share with you my 2024 mantra, and before I tell you my mantra, I would love to know on Instagram what your mantra is for this year, if you don't have one yet.

Speaker 1:

A mantra is a phrase or a statement that you repeat to yourself regularly to help remind you of your goals. At the beginning of this year, I set some lofty goals. Beginning of this year, I set some lofty goals. I decided that I wanted to attract some amazing things into my life this year and I realized, if I want to be the kind of person that has XYZ, I need to change. I need to change who I am being now and, honestly, we're always changing and evolving right. We're always trying to become the best version of ourselves that we can be. We're always trying to improve and get better. I realized I had gotten really comfortable and I've been comfortable for a really long time and I realized if I wanted to grow in my life and in my business, I had to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, and so that became my mantra for 2024. I am comfortable with being uncomfortable. I decided that, instead of running away from discomfort, that I was going to lean into it, that I was going to embrace it, that I was going to take that sign of discomfort not as like a red light stop, but as a green light go. And so I decided to start doing things in my life and my business that I wouldn't have done literally a month ago, six months ago, a year ago, because they make me uncomfortable. For example, I own a product-based business called you, and I'm actually drinking my collagen right now as we speak Cheers. We have supplements that are made of high quality ingredients. They work, they taste delicious because why not? And it's at an affordable price. And we work and market our business through influencers, through affiliate marketers, and the way to help my business grow is to reach out to attract and recruit new influencers and new affiliate marketers into my business.

Speaker 1:

What that means for an introverted person like me, from Adam and reaching out to people that I do know in real life, my warm market, which for me is almost scarier because they know me, and it feels like it just feels I don't know, it just feels to me. It makes me scared. And the thing is is I'm not the only one that knows how important this is for our business. My business partners know how important it is, my husband knows how important it is and I happen to be really good at it. Isn't that crazy? I'm really good at it, but it scares me to death and I cannot remember if I've told you this story, so I apologize in advance if I did.

Speaker 1:

But I made a deal with my husband that I would do one hour minimum of recruiting and I just did air quotations and you can't see me because I the word recruiting is really triggering for me, but I don't know what else to call it. I would do one hour of reaching out to new influencers, new affiliate marketers, new social sellers, every day for at least an hour and talking to them about the you opportunity. And you might be like, okay, that's kind of a weird deal to make with your husband. Look, it's my husband, but he's also my business partner. He's not only my life partner but he's also my partner in business and we both know that this is one thing that I can do for our business. That is going to move the needle in the business. It's going to directly impact the sales that our business experiences, the revenue. It's important. And you might be like, okay, why did you make that deal with him? Because I got a good end of the deal. Okay, let me explain. Before I tell you the deal that I made, I feel like you need to have some background for context. So here's the thing my husband and I, we are like pure opposites. Opposites attract for reals, and everything we do, I swear, is opposite, even the way that we spend our mornings.

Speaker 1:

In the morning, I like to wake up. I like to have some time by myself. I like to listen to something inspirational, listen to a podcast, listen to a motivation, listen to a devotion. Get my mind, body and spirit going. I like to walk on my walking pad I do not turn my phone off of, do not disturb for at least the first hour of my day. It helps me lower my cortisol levels. It helps me not to be completely stressed out. It helps me to be able to be creative and focus on building something instead of reacting to what other people want or need from me. I do not turn on my phone for the first hour of the day. My husband, on the other hand, rolls out of bed, grabs his phone first thing in the morning, checks all the bank accounts, checks all the social media, checks all his text messages, checks all his email, and he wakes up in a state of stress every single day. I see it, I feel it. He projects that stress onto me and it makes my fluid, positive, easygoing morning turn into a stress fest. So I told him I will do an hour of recruiting every single day. If you, sir, will not talk to me for the first hour of the day like, keep your stress to yourself, you do, you? You let me have my morning. I will do an hour of recruiting every day. And guess what? Our marriage is happier, so it's a win-win all around. Not only am I doing an hour of recruiting every day, but we also changed the onboarding process. Now, when new affiliates come into my business, they apply to be a you affiliate and they're accepted into our program.

Speaker 1:

I am personally getting on the phone with these influencers that have larger followings. Maybe you're thinking okay, big deal, you get on the phone with a bunch of people you don't know. But for an introvert like me and also I don't know about you, but if the phone rings and I don't know the number it's not getting answered, that thing is going straight to voicemail. And even when somebody I do know calls me, there's a moment where I just stare at the phone in horror, like why are they calling me? Why don't they just text? I don't know why. Why Talking on the phone makes me uncomfortable. But remember the mantra this year I'm getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Speaker 1:

So at first, when I started getting on the phone with these influencers of which many of them have way more followers than I do I felt intimidated. I felt scared. I had to have press and get on the phone with me, because he's such an extrovert, he could talk to anybody. And then if I got into trouble I would just like elbow him and he'd take over the conversation. And the purpose of these calls is for me to get to know these new affiliates better. That's it, just to get to know them better and then answer any questions that they might have, because most of these people who are coming into my business, they don't know me from Adam, when I first started doing these calls, I'd get so nervous and I'd forget, like basic English. I'd forget, like, how do I get to know somebody? I even had to Google like icebreaker questions getting to know you questions and have an emergency Google doc in case I got scared or in case I forgot how to be a human. So before Jenny, who was comfortable not getting on the phone ever like ever, ever. Now the Jenny, who is comfortable with being uncomfortable, I'm getting on the phone with multiple new affiliates every single day. And you know what? I'm not scared, no more. I'm not scared anymore.

Speaker 1:

I have actually loved doing this piece. I have loved implementing this part of my business. I have loved getting to know these amazing women, getting to know them better, getting to hear about their stories Tell me, what did you do before you did this? How did you get started? And I have really enjoyed fostering and building new relationships and I've gotten tremendous feedback from doing this.

Speaker 1:

People who are like I can't believe the owner of a company would get on a phone call with me and like thanks so much for taking a call and letting me ask my questions. And I mean, is this scalable? Probably not, but I mean, in a way I could teach people how to do this and onboard right Now. Is it scalable that the bigger we grow, I can just talk to anybody and everybody who joins our affiliate program? Probably not, but for right now it's working. And you know, what's interesting is I've been tracking those I can get on the phone with versus those who I've not been able to get on the phone with and those who I've been able to get on the phone with and I'm sure there's other factors too right, but their sales are higher. Riddle me that their sales are higher. They are outselling the ones that I haven't been able to get on the phone with. A lot of the ones that I haven't been able to get a phone with are still sitting at $0 in sales. Make sense of that for me, please. It is moving the needle, it's making a difference, and I've also really truly enjoyed getting to know these women better, getting to know who are you affiliates, who is the person that's behind the screen. I've loved it.

Speaker 1:

Now, before you adopt this mantra of I am comfortable with being uncomfortable, I have to warn you Get ready, because the Lord, he, is about to test you Weeks after I started saying this mantra. I'm comfortable with being uncomfortable. I get a text, let me read it to you. Hi, Jenny, it's Mindy and I'm asking if you would feel comfortable teaching a lesson in early society in two weeks. What are the odds that she would use that word? I'm asking if you would feel comfortable.

Speaker 1:

Immediately, I wanted to text back and be like no, I absolutely do not feel comfortable teaching a lesson in Relief Society. And for those of you who are listening, a little bit of context. Relief Society is like Sunday school for all of the women in my church, all of the women in my congregation. So I would literally be public speaking for an hour in front of a whole group of women. I wanted to text back and be like hi, mindy, I would rather die than have to do this. And before you judge me, that is not crazy, because statistics show that more people are actually more afraid of public speaking than they are of the fear of death. So make it make sense. But instead of texting any of that, instead I texted I can do that. Why? Because I'm comfortable with being uncomfortable. So then I started asking Mindy more questions like what's the topic of the lesson? And she said thank you, the lesson is the conference talk, walking in covenant relationship with Christ by Sister Freeman. Let me know if you need help with anything. And then I texted back. Thank you, is there a manual or am I just giving a lesson on this talk? Just a lesson on this talk, just so you know.

Speaker 1:

This talk was a 10 minute talk. It's an amazing talk, by the way amazing talk, but it's 10 minute talk and I had an hour for the class that I was teaching on this talk. I was freaking the freak out and, if you want, I can link this talk in the show notes If you're interested in listening to it. I started immersing myself in this 10 minute talk. I started listening to it on repeat, over and over and over, and praying Heavenly father, please help me. Help me with this lesson. Help me to know which pieces of this talk to pull out for the lesson. Help me to guide a discussion that fosters the spirit. Please help me. I'm so nervous. Public speaking scares me so bad, but it is something that, secretly, I want to get better at, and I know the only way I can get better at it is if I practice. So I prepared the lesson. It actually went really well and I shared the fact that I was scared to death. I shared the fact that I have a mantra of I am comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Speaker 1:

And it was very fascinating because much of my lesson was about people in the scriptures who didn't feel comfortable with what the Lord was calling them to do. That's not a coincidence, by the way. For example, in the Old Testament, in Exodus, chapter 4, verses 10 through 12, we read about Moses being called by the Lord. And Moses said unto the Lord O, my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant, but I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue. And the Lord said unto him who hath made man's mouth, or who maketh the dumb or the deaf or the seeing or the blind? Have not I, the Lord. Now, therefore, go, and I will be thy mouth and teach thee what thou shalt say. Here's the Lord asking Moses to go and free his people, to go to Pharaoh and ask him to let his people go. And Moses is saying I'm slow of speech. You don't want to send me In this very moment.

Speaker 1:

Moses didn't feel qualified. Have you ever been called to do something that you didn't feel you were qualified for the Lord doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called. Is this a coincidence that all of this was in the talk that I was reading and I had to give a lesson on? No, when I got asked to teach this lesson, I absolutely did not feel qualified and I started listening to it on repeat and immediately I understood I needed to. I needed to learn this lesson. I needed the lesson, even though I was the teacher and I have I'm doing air quotes, you can't see me. I needed this lesson.

Speaker 1:

I'm grateful that I said yes to doing something that made me feel really uncomfortable standing in front of a group of people and delivering a church lesson. And another thought that I had was how can the Lord use me if I am only willing to serve when I feel comfortable? How can I become who the Lord designed me to become if I stay comfortable? I'm grateful for the mantra. I am comfortable with being uncomfortable and it has truly stretched me. It has stretched me, and we're only in March.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited to see what else happens this year. We're only in March. Oh my gosh, I am excited. This is my year of getting uncomfortable. This is my year of growth, so I will keep you updated and guess what, I didn't die.

Speaker 1:

I got through the lesson, kind of the clocks were wrong on the wall and I started wrapping it up and I was like, well, we don't have time to finish, but I want to bear my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. And they're like oh, but I want to bear my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. And they're like oh, that clock on the wall that's wrong. You still have 20 minutes True story. But I didn't die and I'm glad that I said yes and I'm glad that I am living the mantra of putting myself in uncomfortable situations, because that's when we grow.

Speaker 1:

It's easy to stay comfortable, it's easy to stay inside our comfort zone, but if we stay there, we're never going to grow. We grow when we push ourselves and we put ourselves in situations that make us uncomfortable and that causes us growth. That's my mantra for 2024. And I would love to know what yours is. I would love to know if you're going to do the same mantra as me or if you have something different, and please let me know. Over on Instagram, you can tag me in your stories at Jenny underscore Peterson. You can even slide into my messages over there. I love seeing your messages. I love seeing your stories. I try to reshare as many of those as I can. And I got to run. I'm going to a birthday dinner with my husband right now. I have a hot date, so I will let you go and I will see you inside the next episode.