Social Media Influencer

Authenticity in Action Towards Achieving Dreams

Jenny Peterson Season 4 Episode 150

Embark on a transformative journey with me as we explore the essence of our actions and their impact on both our personal and professional lives. A powerful scripture from 1 John serves as the catalyst for an enlightening discussion on why our deeds vastly outweigh our words. With candid reflections drawn from my experiences with affiliates and influencers at my health and wellness company, we dissect the notion that the truest expression of love and commitment is found in what we do, particularly when no one else is looking. This episode promises to leave you with a profound affirmation that every step you take today is a seed planted for future success and gratitude.

As we delve into the heart of what it means to live with intention, I invite you to consider success as your shadow, faithfully mirroring each action you take towards achieving your dreams. Stripping away the allure of empty promises, we reinforce the value of consistent effort and authenticity in every task we undertake. This episode is a call to action, challenging you to move beyond fleeting motivation and into a realm where every deliberate step is a brick laid on the path to your aspirations. Join the conversation on Instagram @Jenny_Peterson, and let's cultivate a community where actions truly speak louder than words, paving the way to a future ripe with accomplishment and self-fulfillment.

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Speaker 1:

Well, hello there, my beautiful friend. Welcome back to another episode. I just got off my walking pad and I was listening to a podcast by Ed Mila. It was all about thinking bigger, but there was a part of his podcast that really hit me hard and I had to share with you my aha moments. He shared a scripture, 1 John, chapter 3, verse 18, my little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but indeed and in truth.

Speaker 1:

And that's from the King James version, so I'm going to grab another version Again. This is 1 John, chapter 3, verse 18, dear children, let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth. In this verse, john is summarizing to Christians the need to act on love, not just think about it or talk about it and think about it. If you tell somebody you love them, actions speak louder than words. Somebody can profess their love to you I love you so much, I do anything for you but at the end of the day, if their actions are not in alignment with what they're actually saying, do they really love you? And this is not just true in love, this is true in everything. Our actions speak louder than our words. Stop listening to people and start watching people, stop listening to what they're saying and start watching their feet. So even in my own business, I work with a lot of influencers, a lot of affiliates, and there's affiliates I can think of. I can think of affiliates who say, like, oh my gosh, I love your company so much, I do anything for this company, but are they using the products? Are they posting about their love for the products? Are they consistently showing up on their social medias? Are they using the products while they're live? Like, are they actually putting in the work? And so when, even when it comes to my affiliates and my influencers, I know to stop listening to what they're saying and watch what they're doing, because the ones that really truly deeply love my company and want to help grow it are the ones who are working. They're the ones who are putting in the time, energy and attention. They're the ones who are taking action.

Speaker 1:

And here's where this comes full circle. So it's easier to see it in other people, isn't it? It's harder to see in ourselves, because when we look at ourselves and we're really honest, are we saying we want something with our words, but our actions are not in alignment with what we're actually saying An easy example of this, and I think everybody can relate to this, because this is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions this year I want to lose weight, and I've done this before. I want to lose weight. I want to lose 10 pounds. That's what I'm saying. Those are my words, but my actions? Am I showing up at the gym? No. Am I lifting weights? No. Have I cut out sugar? No. Am I taking the time to meal plan and plan nutritious, healthy meals for me and my family? No. The actions speak so much louder than the words. So, in reality, it doesn't matter what I say, it matters what I do".

Speaker 1:

Ed Milet said In life, you're not always going to get your goals, but you are always going to get your standards. Our standards are what we do when no one else is watching. And then he gave an example that really made me think. He was like what if success was your boss and had a camera on you? 24, seven, 365, a camera on you at all times? Where would you be at 6, 15 am on a Monday morning? How about 5.05 pm on a Friday afternoon? This camera is on you 24, seven. It's literally recording everything you do when no one else is watching, and that's what matters really. What are we doing when no one else is watching? What are we doing on the weekends? How we spend our time is how we spend our life.

Speaker 1:

And he said if success was your boss and always watching you, would it say, yep, she's coming my way? Or would it say I don't know her, I don't recognize her? She says she wants me, but her actions say otherwise. What we do matters. One of my favorite affirmations that I say on a daily basis is what I do today matters. What I do today matters, not what I say today matters. What I do today matters. And I'm not just talking about the doing when other people can see us. I'm not just talking about the doing that we post on social media. I'm talking about the doing when no one else is watching. That matters. The actions you take today will shape what your future looks like. Do something today, that future you is going to thank you for. And listen, I know, I know you're not always gonna feel like it. I mean, most days I don't feel like it. Today, I did not feel like getting on the walking pad, I felt like crawling back into bed and I almost did, and I don't know about you, but I find myself telling myself I don't feel like it a lot. In case, this is like the first episode you've ever listened to and we're just meeting each other for the first time. Hi, I'm Jenny Peterson. I'm so happy that you're here. I hope you hit the follow button so we can hang out again.

Speaker 1:

I own a health and wellness company called you, and our most recent hire was my brother-in-law, blair Peterson. We do a weekly call with a handful of our top affiliates, our top influencers, and there's a part of the call that he calls bringing the juice. I liked call it bringing the fire, but whatever. So it was his job to bring the juice, and he said something that resonated with me so deep I can't unhear it. So now, every time I say to myself I don't feel like it, he said everything you want is on the other side of I don't feel like it. Well, dang right, shoot. Everything you want is on the other side of I don't feel like it. That dream life that you want, the things on your vision board, is on the other side of I don't feel like it. So that's like a new mantra that I am saying to myself. Everything I want is on the other side of I don't feel like it. My dream life is on the other side of I don't feel like it.

Speaker 1:

Another person I absolutely love is Mel Robbins, and she said if you don't start doing the things you don't feel like doing, you will wake up one year from now in the exact same place. Do you want to wake up in the exact same place one year from now? I don't, and I love my life. I have an amazing life. I thank God every day for the blessings that he has so richly and abundantly poured over me, but I believe that one of our purposes in life is to constantly be changing, constantly be growing constantly, be chasing our potential. Each and every day, we should be coming a better version of ourselves. So if I woke up a year from now in the exact same place, I'm not living my purpose. I'm not becoming the woman that God designed me to become.

Speaker 1:

So on the days that you do not feel like it, come back to this podcast. Do it anyways. Your goals, your dream life, doesn't care how you feel, you and I. We won't succeed. We won't hit our goals. We won't create that life that we're dreaming of if we only work on the days that we feel like it. It's the days that you don't feel like it. When you push through anyways and you make yourself do the dang thing that matters. The only thing holding you back from living the life you dream of is yourself, and the same thing goes for me. The only thing holding me back from living my dream life is me. It's myself.

Speaker 1:

As humans, we actually fear loss more than we look forward to gaining something. This is called loss aversion. Loss aversion is the pain of losing something is actually psychologically twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining something. So if you understand this, you can actually use it to your advantage. And on the days that you don't feel like it, I want you to ask yourself this question how will my inaction cost me one year from now if I do nothing? So if you don't do the thing that you know you need to do because most of us know what we need to be doing, we just don't feel like it If you don't do that thing, what is it gonna cost you a year from now? Do the dang thing, especially on the days that you don't feel like it. Take that action.

Speaker 1:

Imagine that success is following you around. You are on a 24 seven camera. It is documenting every single thing that you do. Be honest with yourself If success was watching you when nobody else was watching, would it say, yep, she's coming my way, here she comes. Or would it say, no, she says she wants to be successful. She says she wants XYZ, but her actions are speaking way louder than her words and she doesn't actually want me. Friend, you can do it. You can do anything you set your mind to do and you are gonna feel so freaking good when you lay your head on your pillow tonight and you know you did the things, even though you didn't feel like it.

Speaker 1:

What you do today matters. You want to make yourself proud. Do something today that tomorrow you is gonna thank you for. Thank you so much for spending this time with me. If you wanna connect with me over on social media, my Instagram is Jenny underscore Peterson. I would love to connect with you over there. If this message resonated with you, let me know. Share it with a friend who needs to hear this message today, who needs to get out of their own way and get into action today. Share this episode with that person. I love you so much Thank you for spending this time with me and I will see you inside another episode.