Social Media Influencer

Harnessing the Power of Words and Gratitude to Achieve Goals

Jenny Peterson Season 3 Episode 142

Have you ever wondered if there’s magic in our words and thoughts? I've walked down this path and witnessed the power of declaration unfold before my eyes. I once voiced a daring dream of my business scoring $400,000 in net profit for August 2022. Although it didn't materialize, I held onto faith and declared in another episode that my business would hit $1 million in sales in a single month. Guess what? We made it in June 2023, with one of our influencers clinching a whopping six figures in a month. Remember, your words have power, your thoughts can shape your reality, so be bold and dare to dream.

I'd love to take a moment to appreciate everyone who rides this journey with me, especially my loyal podcast listeners and social media followers. Your unending support motivates me each day, making my journey worthwhile. Furthermore, I want to remind everyone of the immense power within each of us. Embrace your unique beauty, your strength, and never let your dreams slip away. Gratitude plays a significant role in this journey, and I've discovered that being thankful while working towards our dreams paves the way for even bigger achievements. So, keep dreaming, believe in yourself, and remember, you are stronger than you think.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the social media influencer podcast. I'm Jenny Peterson, a stay at home mom of three turned six figure social media influencer turned CEO of my own seven figure product based business. I'm obsessed with all things online business, online marketing, influencer marketing, affiliate marketing and social selling. Why am I spilling all my secrets? Because I believe when we all do better, we all do better. Let's dive in. Well, hey there, my beautiful friend. Today's episode is a special one. I am sharing something with you that I have not shared anywhere else. I haven't shared this on my social media. I'm not sure if I ever will. Most of my family members don't even know what I'm about to share with you and you might be like wait, why? Why are you sharing this with me? Honestly, this podcast community is different. You're so supportive and I trust you. I also want to close the loop from episode number 114. Episode released on March 10th and it was titled Deleted Episode how to use the power of declaration to get what you want. If you haven't listened to this episode yet, I highly encourage you to tune in after you've finished this one. Okay, stay tuned to the very end of this episode too, because I just got the most amazing podcast review and I can't wait to give this listener a shout out and share that review with you. And to everybody who has left a five star review of this podcast, thank you so much. That means the world to me. That helps this podcast reach more people, help more people and ultimately grow. And no worries, If you haven't left a review yet, it's never too late. It always helps me out. I read every single review and I appreciate it more than you know.

Speaker 1:

Inside episode 114, the deleted episode how to use the power of declaration to get what you want I talked about an episode that I listened to from another podcaster back in August 2022 about the power of declaration. I wrote that podcast host a DM on Instagram declaring that the you business was going to bring in $400,000 net profit or more in the month of August. I also promised her that I would make a podcast episode announcing it as well, which I did. I recorded that podcast episode early of August and I scheduled it to post at the end of the month. Well, long story short, we didn't even come close to $400,000. I forgot that I had scheduled this episode to post. It posted. I was mortified. I deleted it as soon as I realized it, but several hundred of you had already listened to it and I was embarrassed because I'm like, oh my gosh, I just did this episode about how to use the power of declaration I'm going to use myself as an example and then missed the mark by a lot. I'd never addressed it. I never talked about it on any of my other podcast episodes. I just ignored the fact that several hundred people had already heard this episode.

Speaker 1:

Well, fast forward to March 2023. I remembered this whole event that went down and that deleted episode, and I decided to make another episode, finally, sharing what I had learned about the power of declaration, talking about how, no, I didn't hit it in August, the U company didn't hit it in August, but we hit it in November of 2023. In episode 114, I shared what I learned about the power of declaration. I also made another powerful declaration that the U company would hit $1 million in sales in one month and I declared that we weren't even close. It was terrifying to say that out loud, it was terrifying to tell you about that and I still had all kinds of self-doubt, as if that was even possible. Well, friend, I wanted to share the good news with you. We did it. We freaking did it. My company, u, hit a million dollars in sales in June of 2023. Honestly, I'm still trying to wrap my brain around this one. And isn't it interesting that in literally less than one year, when I listened to the original podcast about the power of declaration, not only did we hit my first school of 400K in one month, we more than doubled it and hit a million dollars in sales in a single month?

Speaker 1:

Why am I sharing this with you? Because the power of declaration is real Deciding what you want, declaring it and telling other people about it. That has power. Our words have power, our thoughts have power. And because I shared that declaration with you, and only you here on the podcast. I wanted to close the loop and I wanted to let you know that it came to fruition, that it actually freaking happened, and I'm not telling you this to brag. I am telling you that you need to dream bigger. You need to decide what you want and declare it to others, and then you can't just sit back and expect it to happen. It's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. But there is power in our words and our thoughts. There's power in declaring what we want. It's like we are putting this energy out into the world and we're attracting what we want to us like a magnet.

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But I really wanted to share this with you because if this can happen for me and I'm so grateful and I thank my Lord, my God, for the company that he has blessed me with, the opportunities that he's blessed me, with the people that he has brought into my life, the affiliates that have joined my company but if this can happen for me, it can absolutely happen for you. I believe that 100%. There's nothing special about me. You can do this, you can create the life of your dreams, and that's really why I wanted to share this with you. I want you to know that I believe in you. And if you want to use the power of declaration and slide into my DMs on Instagram, just like I slid into Ali's DMs on Instagram, I more than welcome that.

Speaker 1:

And can I share something else that's super exciting with you as well? In June, we had our first influencer, our first you affiliate make six figures in one month. You heard that right? This influencer, this amazing, beautiful, talented affiliate, made six figures in the month of June. Do you know how crazy cool that is To write that kind of check. The checks for my affiliates are getting bigger and bigger. We have affiliates making four, five and now six figures a month. So not only has God blessed my family with this opportunity, with this business, but it is so cool to see it blessing other people's lives.

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And by the time this airs, we will have celebrated our second year anniversary as a company and we will have launched our fourth product, which I can go ahead and tell you what it is Unflavored Collagen. It is a premium collagen that has key ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which hydrate the skin and help reduce the signs of aging, help reduce wrinkles, and a melon extract, which is visibly proven to reduce the appearance of cellulite. I am so excited to launch this product and I can't believe that this company is two years old. If you want to get your hands on our brand new collagen product, you can by going to beautiful you dot com and, because you're a listener of the show, make sure to use my discount code, jenniep, at checkout to save Now. I would be doing you a huge disservice if I didn't share the opportunity with you.

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If you are listening to this, you are a social seller, you're an affiliate marketer, you're an influencer, and if you want to work with me, if you want to become a you affiliate, if you want to experience the affiliate program that was created by an affiliate for an affiliate it's different, I promise you Then please go to bitly forward slash you affiliate. I'm going to spell it out for you. Okay, bit B as in boy I T as in tiger, dot L Y, forward, slash you is why you and then affiliate. So go to bitleecom forward, slash you affiliate and you can apply to become a you affiliate. Today I will tell you this the most exciting thing is we are still a baby company. We have four products now. We are making some major changes that I cannot wait to announce. I can't announce them yet, but I know that our affiliate paychecks are going to be getting even bigger.

Speaker 1:

Before I let you go, I've got to give a quick listener shout out to Emily Kirk 98. Emily left a five star review of this podcast and, seriously, this is the sweetest thing. Listen to what she said. Beautiful. Jenny's podcast is my go to show, whether it's in my ears when I take the train to uni every morning or doing the dishes, although I'm not a businesswoman or even a mum, yet, like she is as a young student, it is simply most motivating place to learn more about organizing your life, from creating miracle routines to decluttering, how to handle your money which is so important in your early twenties keeping a tidy home and, most importantly, looking after your mind and sense of faith. If you follow Jenny on Instagram already for the fashion to the skincare, to the family shenanigans and business highs and lows you will adore the SMI podcast, as it is more personal, longer extension of a Christian influencer you already love to watch.

Speaker 1:

She truly cares about what listeners want to hear and always maintains a sense of gratitude for her viewers, listeners and customers, instead of just seeing us as another number or dollar to increase her own wealth. She candidly discusses her past and present business stories without being pushy or being salesy. Not only do I leave each episode with practical tools as how I can manage and change my own life, but also how I can approach building a platform, how to host a podcast so conversationally and naturally a key component I value as a broadcast journalism student and, above all, how to do it all while staying vulnerable, humble and not taking yourself too seriously, and keeping Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ at the center. You do not need to come here for business or even social media knowledge. This podcast is simply for anyone who wants to take inspiration from Jenny's example that whatever hurdles come your way, you can handle them with a little girl talk to listeners halfway across the world like me. It is one thing to be unique, but it's another thing to take your rightful divine place back and fully embrace you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for all the laughs, motivation and note-taking moments. Jenny, I feel like you're my social big sister. Oh my gosh, emily, I don't even know what to say. That is the sweetest, most kindest review. Thank you so much. You just made my day and I know I've mentioned this before, but sometimes podcasting can feel very one-sided.

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It's not like when you go live on social media and you're interacting with the people who are watching you, or on social media where you're just having conversations back and forth, and so when you leave five star reviews and or you slide into my DMs on Instagram and we connect there, it seriously means the world to me and I appreciate you so very much. Thank you so much for spending this time with me. Thank you for being here and supporting the show and being a listening ear that I can trust and share this kind of exciting news with you. Please remember that you are unique, that you are beautiful, that you are strong, that God created you and there's one and only you. Please remember that you can do anything you set your mind to. I love you so much and I will see you inside the next episode.